Now shipping with Surveyor 2.0, our new world building tools!
Enjoy brand new exclusive features and experience new content first!
HD terrain introduces Tessellation which dynamically adds and removes polygons from the terrain. You get ultra-detail up close and better performance in the distance.

HD Terrain gives you 1600x more data density than 5 meter terrain to manipulate and texture the terrain!

Which Trainz is right for you?
6 Builtin Routes
Legacy world builder (Surveyor)
Multiplayer Surveyor (MPS)
( free tier only )
5 bonus routes & 21 bonus locos
Over 400 locos, cars & wagons
New world builder (Surveyor 2.0)
Enjoy brand new features first
Experience new content first
Multiplayer Surveyor (MPS)
Trainz Living Railroad & HD Terrain ( New Feature )
Full DLC Access
(over $4000 worth of DLC value)
STANDARD $7.99/month
ONLY $5.79/month when paid anually
GOLD $14.99/month
ONLY $10.79/month when paid anually
TRS22 Platinum Edition includes all 6 routes from TRS22 plus 5 additional routes and 21 locomotives!
CRM Ottertail to Castle Jct
VR V Class FL Black
The Blue Comet 2.0
The full list of additional content can be found in the FAQ below.
1000s of Trains
Buy TRS22PE and experience thousands of locos, freight & passenger cars builtin and online.
1000s of Routes
Explore thousands of routes builtin and online starting with 11 of the best included in TRS22PE.
Build Endless Worlds
Create endless worlds full of detail using "Surveyor 2.0", Trainz NEW world building tools.
Read on to discover each route that TRS22 Platinum has to offer.
"West from Denver"
United States route package!
West from Denver, US
Drive from Denver to Hot Sulphur Springs in this beautiful recreation of rugged mountainous terrain that takes you on a detailed journey through the US.
Stunning Detail
West from Denver takes full advantage of the latest features and content to bring you the best driving experience. Route has full seasonal support.
Amtrak P42DC Phase V
The P42DC (GENESIS Series I) has been completely remodeled inside and out. The loco has had all the fine details added & the cab fully recreated.
"Schwäninger Land"
German route package!
Schwäninger Land, DB
An expansive route including a busy main line, high speed corridor and local branch lines. Brimming with potential for many kinds of operations.
A Route That Has It All...
Whether it's InterCity Expresses, commuter services, bulk or local freight and marshaling operations, you'll find it all here.
Industry & Yards
Schwäninger Land plays host to several large yards on opposite ends of the route with several rail networks connecting them.
"Liskeard to Looe"
United Kingdom route package!
Liskeard to Looe, UK
Liskeard to Looe is a stunning prototypical route based in the United Kingdom.
Class 47 Locomotive
Experience the new Class 47 engine in spectacular detail.
Class 47 Cab
Climb into the new Class 47 fully interactive cabin interior.
"Bairnsdale to Orbost"
Australian route package!
Bairnsdale to Orbost 1970-80s, AU
Bairnsdale to Orbost is a prototypical route set in the 1970-80s showing off an amazing recreation of an Australian outback railway.
The Orbost Rail Bridge
Trundle across the famed Snowy River floodplain bridge at Orbost, one of the longest timber bridges in Victoria.
VR T Class Locomotive and Cab
Climb into the fully detailed VR T Class interactive cabin interior and drive the 'High Cab' and 'Low Nose' T class locomotives!
"Beloreck - South Ural Mountains"
Russian route package!
Beloreck South Ural Mountains, RU
Beloreck - South Ural Mountains is a faithful representation of the railways of Central Eurasia and the Ural Mountain range.
Two-system Electric Loco VL82
Experience the prototypical VL82 engine.
VL82 Cab
Climb into the fully detailed VL82 interactive cabin interior.
"Canadian Rocky Mountains Ottertail to Castle Jct"
a bonus Canadian route package!
Canadian Rocky Mountains Ottertail to Castle Jct, CA
This route starts in the west, from the Canadian Rocky Mountains Beavermouth to Ottertail route's eastern end, and runs through to the south of Castle Junction.
U Spiral Tunnels
The famous U spiral tunnels lead you through the Continental Divide, Lake Louise, Eldon Siding onto Castle Junction siding and industries.
Prototypical Beauty
Mountain and Glacier lovers alike will be amazed by steep challenging grades through spiral tunnels along wild running creeks in a pristine breathtaking high altitude mountain environment.
"VR Healesville 1913-1920"
a bonus Australian route package!
VR Healesville 1913-1920, AU
Upgraded to take advantage of new features, the VR Healesville 1913-1920 route features TurfFX, Ground Clutter, Parallax ground textures, many new scenic details, new locomotives and rolling stock, and new sessions.
Steam Locomotive Operations
This period route represents the last 20 miles of the Melbourne outer suburban line to Healesville, from Mooroolbark to Healesville. Set between 1913 and 1920, particularly the height of World War 1, this pack provides a variety of steam locomotive operations, featuring the Canadian Red and WW1 Red liveries.
Route Features
This line features changing grades, various industries, the famous 'Tunnel Hill' tunnel, and the 1.5 mile long bridge over the Yarra Flats floodplain and Yarra River near the township of Yarra Glen, the longest timber railway bridge in Victoria.
"Andrushivka - Vinnitsa UZ"
a bonus Ukraine route package!
Andrushivka - Vinnitsa, UZ
East European railway. The route runs along the vast expanses of the Ukraine among the picturesque fields, forests and villages.
Passenger and Freight Operations
A large map which is busy with many passenger and freight trains. There are short stretches of track between local stations and long runs for high-speed passenger trains.
Electric and Diesel Lines
There are small parts of the map which are not electrified and need to use diesel locomotive traction and two separate stations where the locomotives can be changed. The total route length is 180 km.
"Coal Country"
a bonus United States route package!
Coal Country, US
Take a trip through the heart of the Appalachian coal fields. This fictional route, created by Scratchy from JointedRail, is complete with a brand new Railroad, locomotives, rolling stock, and scenery items.
Action Packed
This compact route is filled with action packed details. Several coal load-outs to choose from as well as a selection of on-line industries to keep you busy switching.
Featured Content
Featuring new GP9s (High Hood & Chop Nose)
GP18 (High Hood), New Transfer Caboose,
Shoving Platform, 3 RP&P Passenger Cars, New Log Cars, New Coal Hoppers, New Loadouts, New Buildings, New Scenery Items and Roads.
"Potteries Loop Line"
a bonus United Kingdom route package!
Potteries Loop Line, UK
Look no further if you desire an immersive experience, as this is not your run-of-the-mill Trainz Route. The route is set in the UK during the 1930s and showcases 35 interactive sessions!
Passenger Services
It is the working industries that are the heart of Potteries Loop Line. Fourteen interactive stations for the intensive and sharply timed passenger trains.
Freight Runs
Freight facilities consist of an integrated iron and steel works. Three brick works and tileries with working clay pits. Four iron foundries consuming pig iron, coke and steel scrap and producing castings for removal... and so much more!
Route Creation Has Changed Forever!
Scrapbook is a major upgrade to the old Copy/Paste tools by way of painting, cloning and sharing.
Scrapbooks are a new Asset Type that provide the ability to copy and save a part of your route, then reuse that scene in other routes.
Add or Delete Multiple Baseboards
To add new baseboards, simply drag the Marquee off the edge of the existing baseboards, then select Set Marquee to Brush Height. This will create new baseboards at the current brush height.
To delete baseboards, drag over one or more existing baseboard edges then use Context Menu > Delete Baseboards Containing Marquee.
Multi Object Select & Update
The Marquee Tool is used to create a rectangular selection box. All of the objects within the Selection Area are selected, along with the Ground, any Effect Layers, and the Ground Textures.
Use advanced options and filters to make your selection, then move, rotate, delete and perform many more actions on that selection.
Move & Rotate
The gizmo is an important new concept in Trainz.
Gizmos can be used to move or rotate the selected objects, splines, terrain, and ground textures in any direction.
Each selected spline segment will display three gizmos - one for each vertex, and a single gizmo for the entire segment.
More Functionality for Selected Objects
When an object is selected, it is highlighted, and shows a Contextual Menu icon based upon the Asset Category.
Clicking the Menu Anchor will open the Contextual Menu, which lists a range of additional operations that can be applied to the selection. Different options are offered depending on the active tool and object types selected.
Introducing Palettes
S20 introduces a new system of Palettes that can each be moved, resized, minimised, shown, or hidden, so you can customize the layout of your workspace.
Palettes can provide detailed information about your selected objects, or a set of controls used to edit and manipulate everything within the world.
The Power of Content Manager In-Game!
The Assets Palette lists all the assets available to you to use in the Route you are creating. To quickly narrow down the list of assets, use the preset Category Filters by clicking on any of the Filter icons or select a custom list/picklist.
Advanced functionality helps find objects in your route by using clever filters like "Filter Selection" or "Filter Visibility" on the assets listed.
3D Thumbnails
Asset thumbnails can now be displayed in 3D within the Asset Palette. This provides you with the flexibility to choose between the traditional 2D thumbnails or the option to view each asset with a 3D thumbnail. This enhancement aims to assist you in easily identifying the assets that best suit your needs when creating your route.
And so much more...
The Tools Palette provides a range of powerful tools that can be used to build your Trainz world. No more single tool for a single asset type. Use one tool across multiple assets!
Layers Palette
List all route, session and effect layers to have them always in view and to show the current layer you are working in.
The Brush Tool is now multi-purpose and used to painting ground textures, effect layers, scrapbook assets and terrain manipulation. And your brush is now unlimited in size!
Use the Eyedropper Tool to identify Assets in the 3D world, add them to picklists, get the ground height or instantly pick rolling stock, ground textures, scenery assets or splines and start painting or placing more.
Preview Palette
No more teeny tiny 3D asset preview window. The new Preview Palette allows you to resize and reposition it to always have a clear 3D preview of the selected asset.
Many Additional S20 features
Unlimited brush radius size, instantly see object and compass positions, easily find which layer you're working in or an object belongs to, perform bulk operations on multiple assets types and so much more!
Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022
Surveyor 2.0 - Online Guide & Videos
TRS22 is the most advanced Trainz Simulator ever! Read on to discover what's new.
Now you can build & drive endless worlds together using the latest Trainz multiplayer world building technology "Multiplayer Surveyor". We've streamlined the process to focus on more user collaboration.
Drive and create together using the most advanced multiplayer world building tech ever created for train simulation!
Free tier servers now online for TRS22 / TRS22PE
Forget loading back and forth from Driver (driving) to Surveyor (building). UDS allows you to instantly switch between Surveyor and Driver and vice versa. No more loading between the two!
This is a massive change in the way you use Trainz. Instantly switch to Surveyor to move a tree off the track or edit an entire yard then switch back to continue driving.
Choose from a range of presets to quickly create new effect layers for your current route. Set up "masks" to prevent effect layers from appearing under water, on a slope or above/below a certain height.
Create and Edit custom preset effect layer assets (and share your assets via the DLS or .cdp)
Bulk Paint ground textures under a spline (e.g. add ballast under a track throughout the whole route or section of the route)
Bulk Add effect layers to existing ground textures (e.g. add turffx or clutter to a specific ground texture)
We've unified the Driver and Surveyor camera controls while adding more camera modes such as Car, Walk, Fly and Drone.
Easily organise your DLC. Purchase, install, search, update and delete DLC with this powerful new interface.
Controller support allows you to drive trains and control cameras within Driver.
Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022 is the most expandable, customisable, extendable train simulator ever created.
Trainz is famous for route building, and TRS22 includes everything you need to create your dream railroad. With user-friendly tools and a content library containing hundreds of thousands of items, your imagination is the only limit.
Choose from built-in interactive Driver Sessions or place your owns trains in "Quickdrive". Switch between Realistic and Simple driving controls and use mouse, hotkey or Driver HUD controls.
Control dozens of trains at once by issuing Commands to AI Drivers. Create your own sessions using a huge range of scripted Rules and Commands, manage your entire working railroad, and even join Multiplayer sessions.
The installed content is only the beginning of your Trainz experience. Expand your collection by selecting from the huge range of free items from the Download Station or DLC items.
Tag all your favourite locos, freight wagons and passenger cars with a mouse click. Scroll through your selection in full 3D in the "My Collection" viewer and even create and save your favourite consists.
There are practically no limitations on camera views. Hop inside the cab, zoom out to satellite height, or jump from one end of your route to the other in Mini-Map View. You are also free to roam anywhere, and change your Field of View for cinematic effect.
In TRS22, you can edit and update all the built-in and "DLC" (payware) routes and sessions. Share your edits with other content owners via the Trainz Download Station.
Did you know the vast majority of content for Trainz comes from the community? That's right, these amazing routes and everything in them are all built by thousands of Trainz content creators. TRS22 expands the boundaries of content creation, so find out for yourself.
Get involved in the Trainz forums, in-game live chat or the Trainz Discord channel. Share your passion with like-minded Trainz enthusiasts keen to create content, build routes or operate railroads with you.
Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019 is the most expandable, customisable, extendable train simulator ever created.
Trainz is famous for route building, and TRS22 includes everything you need to create your dream railroad. With user-friendly tools and a content library containing hundreds of thousands of items, your imagination is the only limit.
Choose from built-in interactive Driver Sessions or place your owns trains in "Quickdrive". Switch between Realistic and Simple driving controls and use mouse, hotkey or Driver HUD controls.
Control dozens of trains at once by issuing Commands to AI Drivers. Create your own sessions using a huge range of scripted Rules and Commands, manage your entire working railroad, and even join Multiplayer sessions.
The installed content is only the beginning of your Trainz experience. Expand your collection by selecting from the huge range of free items from the Download Station or DLC items.
Tag all your favourite locos, freight wagons and passenger cars with a mouse click. Scroll through your selection in full 3D in the "My Collection" viewer and even create and save your favourite consists.
There are practically no limitations on camera views. Hop inside the cab, zoom out to satellite height, or jump from one end of your route to the other in Mini-Map View. You are also free to roam anywhere, and change your Field of View for cinematic effect.
In TRS22, you can edit and update all the built-in and "DLC" (payware) routes and sessions. Share your edits with other content owners via the Trainz Download Station.
Did you know the vast majority of content for Trainz comes from the community? That's right, these amazing routes and everything in them are all built by thousands of Trainz content creators. TRS22 expands the boundaries of content creation, so find out for yourself.
Get involved in the Trainz forums, in-game live chat or the Trainz Discord channel. Share your passion with like-minded Trainz enthusiasts keen to create content, build routes or operate railroads with you.
Windows PC
Minimum Spec (with lowest settings)
Operating System
Windows 8 64-Bit
Intel I/AMD K10 Series 3GHz 64Bit Processor
NVIDIA GT 430 or better/ AMD ATI 5550 or better
Disk Space
40GB Free Space
Win 8 and Win 10 also supported.
Requires an internet connection for initial authorisation and additional online services.
Apple Mac
Minimum Spec (with lowest settings)
Operating System
MacOS X 13 or higher (Recommended - Latest OSX)
Intel i5 3Ghz (Recommended - M1)
Metal-supporting GPU
Disk Space
40GB Free Space
Requires an internet connection for initial authorisation and additional online services.
Existing Trainz owners can import and/or download all their existing Trainz content into TRS22.
Got questions? We’ve got answers.
What is Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022 Platinum Edition (TRS22PE)?
TRS22PE is a major upgrade to TRS22 adding new features and content.
It includes the five new TRS22 routes, five bonus DLC routes and a range of new locos and passenger cars. - TRS22 is the successor to TRS19 and includes a number of new features previously available exclusively in our Trainz Plus version including Unified Driver/Surveyor (UDS), Multiplayer Surveyor (MPS) free tier and new Effect Layer tools.
- TRS22PE adds the biggest feature update ever with the inclusion of Surveyor 2.0 (S20).
- TRS22PE is available for purchase from the Trainz store, or is included as part of our Trainz Plus Standard and Trainz Plus Gold Membership options.
- TRS22PE is compatible with the majority of content from older versions of Trainz including Trainz: A New Era and TRS19 routes and DLC content.
How do I access the TRS22PE Features, Routes and Locos?
- First, you must have purchased Platinum Edition so our backend can give you access to all the Platinum Edition features. Next, you can check to see if you have a compatible TRS22 build installed that enables the Platinum Edition features. The build number information is listed on the Trainz Trainz Wiki. If you have the correct TRS22 build installed and you have purchased TRS22PE, then the game should automatically update to the TRS22PE branding and unlock the features in-game once you login with your MyTrainz account. STEAM users shouldn't require a MyTrainz account for this to happen but a one-time restart will be required to update the branding to TRS22PE and unlock the Platinum features.
- To keep the initial download small, the base install includes Kickstarter County 2 plus a range of sessions and tutorials.
- The additional builtin and bonus routes are available in-game for free download.
- Simply ensure you have your MyTrainz username entered and open Content Store > Purchased Tab.
- This will list all the DLC content that is available for you to download and install in this version of Trainz.
What are TRS22PE Hardware Requirements?
- You can expect similar performance in TRS22PE as in TRS19 or TRS22.
- To find out if TRS22PE will run on your computer visit our Trainz Wiki.
- For additional questions please check the Additional Trainz FAQ page.
Are there TRS22PE Regional Editions available?
- Not currently. Orders are available for the TRS22PE full edition only.
What additional Routes are in Platinum Edition?
Routes Included:
- Coal Country
- Potteries Loop Line
- Canadian Rocky Mountains Ottertail to Castle Jct.
- Andrushivka - Vinnitsa UZ
- VR Healesville - 1913-1920
What additional Locos are in Platinum Edition?
DLC Locos Included:
- ICE 4
- UP AC4400CW
- CP AC4400CW
- BR Class 50
- CNJ G3s Black & Blue
- CNJ P47
- NSW Class 81
- PN 81 10+
- PN 81 12+ T1
- PN 81 12+ T2
- PN 81 12+ T3
- PN 81 12+ T4
- PN 81 22+
- VR V T2 FL Black 1
- VR V T2 FL Black 1 Ten
- RJCC QJ 2008
- IAIS QJ 6988
- IAIS QJ 6988 Pre-2011
- IAIS QJ 6988 2018
- CHN QJ Classic
- CHN QJ Early
Trainz Memberships FAQ
What is Trainz Plus?
- Trainz Plus is the build that keeps you up-to-date with new and in-development features before they make it into future retail versions of Trainz.
- You can access the latest Trainz Plus build through either the Trainz Plus Standard or Trainz Plus Gold Memberships.
- Members can opt in to the Beta release version, and help us ensure the new features and build are working as expected.
- Alternatively, you can opt to wait until the more stable, official release version becomes available.
- Save 28% by paying annually.
What is Trainz Plus Standard Membership?
- Trainz Plus Standard membership provides access to the latest Trainz Plus build, and includes an ongoing First Class Ticket.
- You also receive the full TRS19 and TRS22PE built-in content sets.
- You can cancel your membership at any time and access to your Trainz builds (and other benefits) will end at the expiration of that billing period.
What is a Trainz Plus Gold Membership?
- Includes all the benefits of the Trainz Plus Standard membership.
- All DLC Access - Enjoy the full suite of Trainz DLC items, now available in-game.
- A 25% store discount.
- Exclusive Loyalty Rewards - Cool stuff especially for members (like Scrapbook Prefabs)
- Exclusive “Preview Pass” access to all our pre-release DLC items for two weeks prior to them becoming available in store..
- You can cancel your membership at any time and all benefits will end at the expiration of that billing period.
- Save 28% by paying annually.
Buy One Get Both Promotion
Multiplayer Surveyor FAQ
What is Multiplayer Surveyor?
MPS is where you can join forces to build your dream railroad online in real time with others. At any time switch to Driver Mode and drive on the tracks you just built.
MPS creates a whole new dynamic to enjoying Trainz. Join our Discord server and chat online with your friends as you build worlds together. Issue roles when building your railroad, and change roles when you switch to driving mode. The options are endless.
What differences are there for MPS access for TRS22PE owners?
MPS is the first part of our long term plan to create "Trainz Live" - a persistent world where your railroad runs 24-7, just like in the real world.
With the release of TRS22PE, we're expanding access to MPS to include all TRS22PE owners under a new "TRS22PE MPS Access Plan".
The TRS22PE MPS Access Plan provides a selection of routes to join. This will ensure the best possible experience, with more players spread across fewer routes. The goal here is for groups to form and work together to create their world rather than having lots of people working on their own personal project (which can just as easily be done offline).
We will carefully monitor the number of players in each route and create more routes as demand requires.
More concurrent users also means higher server loads, and potentially a drop in performance for everyone. To ensure these peak loads are carefully managed, we reserve the right to adjust the number of users allowed into any given route and also the total number of users at any one time.
Trainz Plus Standard and Trainz Plus Gold members will be given priority access to the servers under times of extreme load.