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This DLC is included in the Trainz Plus Gold Membership.

In Game Downloadable Content (Requires Internet Connection)

Compatible with:      Trainz Plus      TRS22      TRS19 SP2+     

The Coalmint Mountains Railroad (CMR) is based in Pennsylvania in the Appalachian Mountains in the 1950s. There are many steep grades to climb, and even more tight corners to wind as you explore the majesty of the Appalachian Mountains in Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter all by rail. The CMR was recently electrified, so you will see many NH and PRR locos and rolling stock around that have been bought, but not re-painted yet. The railroad makes most its income from transporting coal from the mines in the mountains down to the transfer yard in the plains, where the coal is loaded onto barges and distributed far and wide. That being said, the railroad also handles local freight and passenger services.

Total route length approximately 50 miles (80 kilometers).

This route was originally created for T:ANE, but has been updated for TRS19.


Click here for the Coalmint Mountains Railroad Trailer!



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